Halibut hooks and Indigenous Halibut Fishing Technology
Published by Iain McKechnie
This collection was used to inform an analysis of traditional halibut hook forms, sizes and dimensions and was recently published as an article in Arctic Anthropology. We are very grateful to the creators of the RRN and the many Nations, curators, funders and institutions whose belongings are shared on this platform and which enabled this work. To learn more, please download, read, and share the article below and get in touch with any questions
Salmen-Hartley, J., McKechnie, I., 2023. An Examination of Indigenous Halibut Fishing Technology on the Northwest Coast of North America. Arctic Anthropology 59(1):87–105. link to the article with a paywall https://doi.org/10.3368/aa.59.1.87
link to a preprint http://hdl.handle.net/1828/15429
please be in touch with any thoughts or comments